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Date: 1999-11-23
Location: New York, NY - United States [31 shows here]
Venue: Madison Square Garden [6 shows here]
Info: S&M
Fan reviews: 2 - Add yours!
Author: Phil
Setlist: Yes
Pictures: Yes
11/22, 4:45am - Wake up, get ready, head to airport, etc...
2:30pm - Finally arrive after a layover, and an hour delay...

From there we went to the hotel, checked in, and headed out for the town. Josh (my best friend and Metallica travel partner) had never been to New York, so we headed for Time Square, but half way there we realized we'd be late to the Chapter of the Mad party if we went there, so we turned around and headed down to the party...

Enter Doug, Janet, the Biohazard woman (sorry, don't remember your name), her son, Sam, Eric, Rob, Isaac, a bunch of other people I didn't know, and eventually Frank Hall. Eric ran a shitload of "draw a name from the hat and get a prize" things, and Josh got a stick (bastard!!! ;). Autographs, shirts, CD's, and more were given out. At the end of the night two names were drawn and each got 2 VIP passes (double bastards - DOUG!!).

So, I finally met IPOM News King Doug, who by the way, is one hella cool guy! Thanks for everything Doug! Anyway, the only downfall to the party was that VH1 kept turning off S&M so they could do interviews... that sucked.

Anyway, party ended at an early 8:30pm. So we decided to go back to the hotel, were we met Frank and Frankie, our roomies, for a quick stop before heading to Time Square, and check out the happenings, and get acquainted with the Virgin Megastore, so we could get the new album promptly at midnight. But it was still way to early, so over to Doug's room we go... then eventually back to Virgin. BUT, no one has a damned CD player (except Frankie's discman, but I forgot my speakers).

So then we head back to our hotel, leaf through the booklet, shower, and off to never, never land...

So about 12:30pm, we get up and head out to the Virgin Megastore to pick up the Limited Edition VHS (it hadn't arrived the night before). Then to the Empire State Building (which was 2 blocks from our hotel), the LONG way, 20+ blocks away, and then 20+ blocks back... all wasted. Well after a quick stop there, we head back to the hotel to get changed. Josh and I were pimpin' in some smooth attire, right down to the tie (mine had flying skulls on it). Unlike the Berkley shows, virtually NO ONE dressed up at MSG. The whole night I saw maybe 3 other people dressed up... oh well, we felt pimpin'.

The show rocked, but the backstage pass thing got MASSIVE fucked up. For starters the line was not at the club booth. The club booth was behind the "doors," so many people assumed, like with other shows, that as soon as doors open you have to rush to the booth. Wrong, the line formed at about 2:00pm no where near the booth. I found it almost by accident. So then I got nearly in the end of the long, long line (thanks to Samer and his lovely wife, we didn't have to get in the very back, and also, thanks to Sam, who tried to hook us up in the front but got bitched at). They started accepting people... then stopped. Then the moved the line around the corner. Then a guy came and said "all people with tickets, who are waiting for passes follow me," and led us into the room full of people waiting to get in the doors, then left. So much for passes. Sorry I missed you Jason, catch ya in Miami, hopefully.

So we find our way to 5th section... pretty damn good, especially for $63 (couldn't get $83 tickets). Show started, and the mix was MUCH better then Berkley. You could actually hear the Orchestra, but everyone was complaining about not being able to hear Metallica (which is bullshit, we could hear 'em fine). They were chanting "turn it up," so 2nd half you couldn't really hear the orchestra. Dicks. But the crowed was VERY energetic, sang the whole time, very, very, very loud. At several points they completely over powered the stage happenings (when something happened and they all yelled "YEAH" at the top of their lungs).

During Enter Sandman, on the huge pause, James fucked up. He came in after a few seconds like he used to, then stopped all of a sudden as Michael turned around towards him. He stopped, and then Michael brought the Orchestra in for their part. Then eventually James came in again where he was supposed to. Poor James. James also did his cool vocals in No Leaf Clover which I quite like. That takes a lot of guts on James' part.

So, the show ends, and the Orchestra get up, and come to the front of the stage, and start getting the crowed to clap by clapping their hands in the air. Very cool how much they seemed to enjoy it! Lars said a few words, and then it was over.

So, to the hotel to change, and then to Time Square to get some food (the only place with open vendors at 1:00am). 3 hot dogs later, we meet up with Doug, and the gang, none other than Big Mick Hughes (Sound Guy) shows up on the corner for pictures and autographs!!! Thanks Mick, you rock!

Thus, we follow the crowed (Doug, and the gang) around while they find a suitable place to eat. Once we site down, I get to meet Joanna, Paul, (I'd already met Isaac and Rob), and some other people whose names I cannot remember. That was fun, but at about 2:30am, Josh and I had to jet to go pack so we could be ready to leave for the airport at 4am. ::sigh:: Another 'Tallica trip gone!

Nothing will ever compare to the original Berkley shows, but wow, that was cool!

So, lastly some thanks...

SPECIAL THANKS TO: Josh Ashman, Doug Erbeck, Eric Nielson, Metallica, Michael Kamen, St. Luke's Symphony Orchestra, and Big Mick Hughes
THANKS TO: Sam (from Mass. MetalliCats), Frankie, Frank, Samer and his lovely wife, and Stacie

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